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END of SUCCESS project. Executive Summary

30 October 2013

SUCCESS project has played a significant role in the development of the ground for networking of the European research centres and shown a strategic interest for the European Union to create a single research area, which combines basic research, experimental development and production of luminescence materials and scintillators…


Recently completed conferences and events

International Conference “Advanced Scintillation materials” ASM-2013

23–27 September 2013, Kharkov, Ukraine

The conference organized by Institute for scintillation Materials in the frame of SUCCESS project hosted researches from Ukraine, EECA, Europe and USA. During the 5-days conference period the latest experimental results and theoretical studies of the luminescence/scintillation science and techniques were discussed. Beyond the program ŕ special training for young scientists was organized.


5th SUCCESS Consortium Meeting

26 September 2013, Kharkov, Ukraine

The final consortium meeting brought together all project partners and the Members of Scientific Reference Team in order to summarize and analyze project results and achievements obtained during 3-years period of the project implementation.


5th SUCCESS International Workshop Scintillation Processes and Materials for Radiation Detection

15–19 Apri 2013, Shanghai, China

The 5th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop was held in conjunction with the large scale international conference SCINT 2013 to promote the SUCCESS project and FP7 program to the international SCINT community and discuss the scientific results obtained during the project implementation with the world-known experts in the different fields of scintillation materials science.


4th SUCCESS Consortium Meeting

12 December, 2012, Lyon, France

The 4th Consortium Meeting aimed to discuss the project progress and strategic issues linked to international cooperation and Joint Virtual Lab creation.


4th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop "Future SUCCESS"

11–12 December, 2012, Lyon, France

4th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop was held to discuss novel physical conception of energy transfer in scintillation materials and to provide a search for mutual interests and capabilities of possible partners in new projects.


3d SUCCESS Consortium Meeting

13 September, 2012, Halle, Germany

The project achievements as well as scientific topics, which will define the direction of research and collaboration activity in the nearest future, have been discussed during the meeting.


3d SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop

10–14 September, 2012, Halle, Germany

Workshop was held in conjunction with LUMDETR2012 to evaluate main project scientific results from the point of view of the current trends in physics of luminescent and scintillation materials.


2nd SUCCESS Consortium Meeting

29 March 2012, Lyon, France

During the Consortium meeting a particular focus was put on the strategic issues linked to international cooperation feasibility study of Joint Virtual Lab and preparation to the first Periodic report.


First-year-end SUCCESS Consortium Meeting

21 September 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine

1st SUCCESS Consortium meeting aimed to bring together all partners of the project in order to foster the direct discussion on the strategic and operational issues linked to the project implementation.


2nd SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation materials for Nuclear Medicine”

19–22 September 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine

Nuclear Medicine devices technology, modeling and simulation, development and characterization of new scintillation materials for Nuclear Medicine have been covered.


1st SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation and Luminescence Materials”

17–22 Jul 2011, Gdansk, Poland

Workshop “Scintillation and luminescence materials” has brought together leading scientist in the field of luminescence spectroscopy, nanomaterials, scintillators, lasers and phosphors.


Training Session “Prospects and Opportunities of Participation in FP7 Projects for Ukrainian Scientists”

21 September 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine

The training has been devoted to promotion of FP7 opportunities and increasing skills of Ukrainian scientists in the FP7 international cooperation projects participation.


Workshop–training “Preparation and submission of FP7 projects. Administrative, financial and legal aspects”

03 June 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine

The Workshop has been devoted to raising awareness of Ukrainian scientists in administrative, financial and legal aspects of preparation, submission and implementation of FP7 projects.



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